Bylaws of the Quinlan ISD Alumni Alliance

The name of this organization shall be the Quinlan ISD Alumni Alliance (the Alliance).

Articles II


The purposes of the Alliance shall be:

1. To provide activities, communications, and other services for graduates and former students of Quinlan ISD and other members of the Alliance such as parents, school employees past and present, community members, and business leaders.

2. To foster and complement continuing educational opportunities, networking opportunities, and related activities of the Quinlan Ford High School and Quinlan Independent School District.

3. To complement the purpose of the Quinlan ISD Education Foundation (the Foundation).

Articles III


3.01. Affiliation. The Alliance shall operate as an independent organization in collaboration with the Quinlan ISD and the Quinlan ISD Education Foundation. The Alliance shall maintain fiduciary responsibility for all funds received and disbursed by the Alliance.

3.02. General Membership. Membership shall be open to all graduates, former students, and friends of Quinlan ISD, their spouses, current and former staff members, and such other classes of membership as, from time to time, may be determined by the Board of the Alliance. Individuals shall become members in good standing through an online or written application provided by the Alliance for that purpose and upon the payment of annual dues in the amount specified by the Alliance Board. Unless specified in the Bylaws, the general membership shall not constitute any voting right authority in Alliance matters.

3.03. Authority. Except, as otherwise specified by these Bylaws, the affairs of the Alliance shall be operated by a Board of Directors who shall approve and conduct all actions and activities of the Alliance.

Article IV

Board of Directors

4.01. Number, Qualification, and Terms of Office. The Board of Directors shall consist of all officers of the Alliance (See Article V) and at least seven (7) general members in good standing of the Alliance. The general members shall be alumni representing the decade in which they graduated. However, the number of Board positions may be increased or decreased by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at any regular meeting. Each Board member shall have a term of (3) years, except that the initial Board shall be divided into one (1), two (2), and three (3) year terms so that approximately one-third of the Board positions shall be eligible for election at each annual meeting. The Board of Directors will be limited to two consecutive three-year terms unless the nominating committee has exhausted all avenues and can not fill the position. By the majority vote of the board, term limits may be overridden. The initial Board of Directors shall be appointed by the founding members. Subsequent Board members shall be appointed in the manner herein prescribed.

4.02. Quorum and Manner of Acting.

Quorum: A majority of at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the Board must be present at any regular, special, or annual meeting of the Board to constitute a quorum.

Manner of Acting: A minimum of fifty-one percent (51%) of those directors present at any regular, special, or annual meeting of the Board of the Alliance and voting in the affirmative shall constitute the action of the Alliance. Proxies shall not be allowed.

4.03. Resignation. Any member of the Board may resign by providing written notice to the Board. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified by the member, and the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

4.04. Vacancies. Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled by the proposal from the nominating committee and voted on by the Board. Any Board member so appointed shall hold office for the remainder of such term or until his or her successor is duly elected and qualified.

4.05. Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held at least twice a fiscal year. Written notice through email shall be provided at least thirty (30) days in advance of any regular meeting. Special meetings may be called by the president or any three (3) Board members. At least five (5) days of written notice stating the sole purpose for such a meeting or two (2) days of personal notice shall be required for any special meeting.

4.06. Removal. All Board of Directors must be voting members in good standing. Attendance is encouraged at regular meetings and all projects. If two regular meetings are missed consecutively, without the Board of Directors Officers excusing for extenuating circumstances, the office will be open for the Board of Directors to name a replacement for the remainder of the calendar year.

4.07. Non-voting Board Members. The Superintendent of Quinlan ISD or his or her designee shall sit as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board.

Article V

Board of Directors Officers

5.01. Number, Election, Term of Office, and Qualifications. The Board of Directors Officers shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary/parliamentarian, a treasurer, a public relations chair, and a fundraising chair. All officers shall be alumni members in good standing of the Alliance and will be elected annually by the Board of Directors. Each shall hold office for one (1) year or until a successor is duly elected and qualified or until death, resignation, or removal in the manner provided.

5.02. President. When present, the president shall preside over all Alliance meetings. He or she shall see that all actions and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried out and shall undertake such other duties and responsibilities as may be determined by the Board. The president, or his or her designee, shall be the alumni alliance representative to the Quinlan ISD School Board and the Quinlan ISD Education Foundation.

5.03. Vice President. In the absence of the president, the vice president shall conduct meetings and carry out such other duties as may be determined by the board's president. The Vice President shall oversee the nominating committee.

5.04. Secretary/Parliamentarian. The secretary or designee shall record all proceedings of the Board, provide notice to the Board for all meetings and carry out such other duties as may be determined by the president of the Board. The parliamentarian shall keep the meetings running according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

5.05. Treasurer. The treasurer shall keep accurate accounts of funds and expenses of the Alliance and in a manner as provided by resolution of the Board of Directors of the Alliance. A financial report shall be presented to the Board of Directors at each board meeting. The treasurer will work closely with the Membership chairman on the collection of dues.

5.06. Vice President of Public Relations. The Public Relations Chair will promote and advertise alliance events and happenings by creating promotional materials to place on social media and any other media outlet deemed appropriate. The PR Chair will work closely with the QISD Director of School Community Relations.

5.07. Vice President of Fundraising. The fundraising chair will lead the planning of fundraising endeavors the alliance board approves and deems appropriate.

5.08. Historian The historian shall oversee the membership committee to create and organize an online spreadsheet with alumni names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, social media accounts, and more. The online spreadsheet would be preferably self-sufficient for alumni to input their information themselves when information changes, if possible. The historian shall gather photos and videos to create online scrapbooks, slide show presentations, and more.

5.09. Other Officers. The Board may, at its discretion, create such other offices as may be appropriate and shall determine their method of appointment, duties, and terms.



6.01. Nominating Committee. Under the leadership of the Vice President as chair, the nominating committee shall be composed of five current Alumnae Alliance members in good standing, of which two are current or former Board members appointed at the annual meeting by the Board. The nominating committee shall, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting following their appointment, provide a slate of Board members for consideration by the Board. An attempt shall be made to nominate individuals from a broad array of class years.

6.02. Membership Committee. Under the leadership of the Historian as chair, the membership committee shall maintain records of all living graduates and others eligible for membership in the Alliance, conduct membership recruitment, maintain accurate records of membership payments and operate a timely membership renewal system.

6.03. Public Relations Committee. Under the Vice President of Public Relations as chair, the public relations committee shall produce and disseminate information for and about alumni and alumni activities and other publications at a time and in a manner prescribed by the Board to include social media and more.

6.04. Fundraising Events Committee. Under the leadership of the Vice President of Fundraising as chair, the special events committee shall plan, conduct, or cause to be conducted all events and activities of the Alliance as directed and approved by the Board of Directors.

6.05. Other Committees and Authority. The Board may create such other committees as it may seem appropriate. The president shall appoint all committee chairpersons.



7.01. General. The Alliance shall maintain the fiduciary responsibility of the organization.

7.02. Bank Accounts. The Alliance shall maintain one or more accounts with banks or other financial institutions as may be determined by the Alliance Board. The treasurer and two other signatories from the Board of Directors of the Alliance may be appointed as its agent(s) in the handling of the funds of the Alliance.

7.03. Distribution of Funds. Dues, event fees, and other normal revenues of the Alliance shall be held in a fund designated for the operational expenses of the Alliance. Funds donated by individuals, corporations, and other organizations, whether restricted or unrestricted, shall be held and/or distributed in a manner prescribed by the Alliance Board. Except as may be otherwise determined by the Alliance or as a repayment of approved expenses, no member of the Alliance may receive compensation for any work performed on behalf of the Alliance. Revenues generated by event fees not needed for the operation of the Alliance shall be held and/or distributed in a manner prescribed by the Alliance Board. Upon termination of this entity all funds held by the entity will be transferred to Quinlan ISD Education Foundation. In the event that the Quinlan ISD Education Foundation is no longer in existence, the funds will be transferred to another 501(c)3 entity that supports Quinlan ISD to be voted on by the board.

7.04. Solicitation of Funds. Except for recruitment of dues-paying memberships or as fees for events or sale of alumni-related goods, no direct solicitation of individuals, businesses, or other entities shall be undertaken without the prior approval of the Alliance Board.

7.05. Donor Restricted Funds. Funds that carry donor restrictions will be reviewed and approved or denied by the board of directors with a majority vote as to the use of such funds.

7.06. Audit and Publication. The Alliance shall provide the membership with accurate accounts of all funds received and disbursed in a manner and at a time determined by the Board. The Board shall maintain fund accounting for the Alliance and include such records in its own audit. The Alliance will publish an annual accounting record to any member in good standing upon request.

7.07. Bond. The Alliance shall, at its discretion, provide bonding to such individuals or individuals acting on behalf of the Alliance as it deems appropriate.



Whenever any notice is required to be given by these Bylaws, such notice may be waived in writing, signed by the person or persons entitled to said notice at any time.



The Board may amend the Alliance Bylaws, in whole or in part, by a majority vote of all duly qualified Board members at any annual, regular or special meeting called for this purpose. Notice of any proposed amendment shall be provided in writing to all Board members and conveyed to the President of the Alliance no less than thirty (30) days prior to any meeting at which the Alliance will consider said amendment(s).


I certify that I am the duly elected and acting Secretary of the Quinlan ISD Alumni Alliance and that these Bylaws constitute the Corporation’s Bylaws. These Bylaws were duly adopted by the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors at a meeting on August 29, 2022.